Home Delivered Meals
Hot or frozen meals are delivered to the client’s place of residence who are homebound seniors. Each meal provides one third of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA). Frozen meals are offered for weekends or holidays.
Home delivered meals may be provided to persons who reside in Mariposa County and meet eligibility requirements: 1) age 60+; 2) spouse, regardless of age of age 60+ participant; or 3) disabled, regardless of age and living with a home delivered meal participant age 60+. Through an in-home assessment, it must be documented that eligible participants are: 1) unable to shop for their own groceries or prepare nutritious meals in their own home because of limited physical mobility, inability to safely prepare meals, or psychological or mental impairment; 2) are without support from family, friends, or other community-based services to provide them meals or transport them to a nutrition site.